I've mentioned this in the past, but researchers are finding records from microfilm and books online not only in the U.S. but true also around the world. Many records that were generally located in libraries and archives on microfilm or on the shelf are now showing up on Genealogy websites which is making research quite a bit easier these days! This is true not just in the U.S. but worldwide. A number of newly digitized records are now online especially newly discovered documents.
In Ireland, many of the Heritage Centres have been updating records and posting them up on their websites. The Skibbereen Heritage Centre, for example, has been posting new records and photos involving their West Cork Graveyard Project. This is just one of several projects this Centre has been conducting. Many other heritage centres have been undergoing similar projects.
Family Search has just completed a huge digitization project. Over 2.4 million rolls of microfilm have been digitized and most are available on their website. A few require viewing at your local Family History Center. A number of other genealogy web sites are also updating records. Many of those records, that were in a folder or on a shelf, are now online.
So, if you are looking for a particular group of records and you weren't able to see them on various web sites some time ago, you might be able to find some of these online now or very soon! There is a new saying out there now regarding genealogy records. "If you can't find the record you're looking for online today, try looking again tomorrow, it might be there!"