You may have noticed recently a number of records that have been digitized and are now appearing in some of the major genealogy websites. Many of these records could open some doors which could lead to new avenues in your research including religious records from all over the world.
MyHeritage.com announced two weeks ago it was providing in its database, Austria-Hungary Roman Catholic Indexes from 1612 to 1966. These records that total over 6.8 million includes baptism, marriage and burial records from Roman Catholic records from communities in Eastern Europe. Baptism records include the date of baptism along with the name of the child and the location of the baptism. The marriage records also include names of the grooms and brides parents as well as the date of location of the marriage.
My Heritage also announced they are providing almost 4 million records of the Austria, Vienna Catholic Church Records Index that date from 1585-1918. These Roman Catholic records include baptisms, marriages and burials from the city of Vienna and some of the surrounding areas. They also include comments and various notes about the records including page numbers from the book.
As of July 1, Ancestry.com is providing a list of new records that are indexed and available on its website. One interesting set of records are the Jameson Distillery staff and employment books. These records date from 1862-1969. They are provided in Association with Jameson Distillery. These records are mostly time books, wage books and insurance books. You can expect to find names, occupation, dates of employment and place of employment of the employees. Some records will also indicate if your ancestor was sick on a particular day. The records also indicate what building and what street that building was located on during the week.
The original distillery site which began on Bow Street in Dublin in the late 1700s has turned into a popular tourist site after this site closed to operations in the 1970s. These original records might not only tell you where your ancestor work but might also provide you with dates of births since civil records in Ireland didn’t began until the early 1860s. These records might turn into a great census substitute since many of the census records were destroyed in 1922 as a result of the Four Courts Fire in Dublin. More on these stories may be found on Ancestry.com: https://www.Ancestry.com and on IrishCentral.com: https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/genealogy/jameson-whiskey-employee-records-online.
Ancestry.com also announced that the company has added another 35 sets of records to its data base including a number of vital records for the state of New Hampshire, Crew lists and Shipping Agreements for Ireland and Westerbork, Netherlands, Fritz Grünberg papers of Transit Camp for 1942 to 1945.
All these records can help give you some new pieces of information about an ancestor that you were unaware of and possibly lead you to a whole new section in your research. I was told once by an instructor, “If you can’t find the record online today, check back tomorrow!” Great advice!